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What is blockchain?
What is Blockchain? Think of cryptocurrencies and the first thought popping on your mind is Blockchain, so what is blockchain? Blockchain is a shared entrenched ledger that enables processing of...
Techdose (3)
The Future of work in the age of AI
AI is real and a worldwide phenomenon, so what’s it going to be working in this era. The first real advantage is going to be efficiencies provided how soon Businesses can adopt and deploy AI solutions...
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Top 3 Free Gen AI tools?
1.ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is their most popular and widely-used generative AI tool to date. It enables regular users to create simple AI-generated content for free. For those who need more powerful...
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SRE Vs DevOps, what are the key differences and how do they coexist?
Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) and DevOps both aim to accelerate product releases and enhance product reliability. The primary distinction lies in their focus: SRE emphasizes delivery and the stability...
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