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The DevOps Lifecycle explained
Due to the continuous nature of DevOps, practitioners use the infinity loop to illustrate the interconnection of the DevOps lifecycle phases. While these phases may appear sequential, the loop signifies...
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How does DevOps work?
A DevOps team comprises of both developers and IT operations professionals working collaboratively throughout the product lifecycle to enhance the speed and quality of software deployment. This represents...
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What is DevOps?
Have you heard about DevOps? It’s this cool thing that brings together practices, tools, and a whole cultural philosophy. What it does is help automate and blend the processes between software development...
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Generative Artificial Intelligence
The internet is home to zillion zettabytes of data that reside on multiple sources. This humongous scale of Data is only growing, with the annual growth rate estimated to be 25-30%. Generative AI harnesses...
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